3 Tips On How To Maintain A Car Properly

Owning a car is not just about filling the tank with gas or taking it to a car wash now and then. If you want it to be in good running condition for years to come, you need to know how to maintain a car. An important aspect of maintenance is managing consumables and fluids properly. Some things you can do yourself while others will require you to take the car to a car repair shop.

#1. Weekly fluid checks

If you want to maintain a car properly, you should check the fluids weekly. Fore starting the engine, check the oil engine oil level and condition. If it is low, top it up. If it is extremely black, you may want to consider replacing it. The same goes for your coolant. Check that it is at the correct level and top it up if it is low. You should also check your washer fluid. Since you already inspecting the car, have a look at the tires and make sure that they are inflated properly.

#2. Regular servicing

Another important route that should never be skipped if you want to maintain a car is to do the regular servicing routine. You need to replace the engine oil, oil filter, cabin filter, air filter, and fuel filter. You should also replace the spark plugs every 2 to 3 years.

#3. Never delay repairs

If anything sounds weird while driving or while the engine is running, take the car to a repair shop. Even if it may run with a problem for a few more weeks, it can cause more damage if you wait. For example, worn-out brake plates may still stop the car but cause squeaking noises. If you choose to ignore it, it may damage your brake rotor and then you will need to replace those as well. In the long run, repairs that are done at the right time will save you a lot of money and maintain the car in perfect condition.